Posted on Jun 5 2014 - 3:24pm by Anurag Kumar

Sony has finally rolled Android 4.3 update for Xperia Z T-Mobile US variant in form of 10.4.C.0.814 firmware update which many users have started receiving as OTA on their handsets. Sony has officially rolled android 4.4.2 KitKat update for whole Xperia “Z” series carrier independent handsets but Xperia Z T-Mobile US was still on android 4.2.2 and Xperia Z1S is still on android 4.3.

10.4.C.0.814 firmware update is confirmed to bring all the android 4.3 features which were seen on regular Xperia handsets when they received it like new Xperia themes, new Xperia messaging app, new Xperia home launcher, new Xperia White UI, updated Sony Social Smart Camera app with various add ons, improved network connectivity etc..

Xperia Z 10.4.C.0.814 firmware

Go to update center app and look for 10.4.C.0.814 firmware notification as shown below and proceed as per on screen instructions.

Xperia Z 10.4.C.0.814 firmware

If you have already got the 10.4.C.0.814 firmware update on your Xperia Z C6906, let us know which features you liked the most. We are hoping Sony may roll Android 4.4.2 KitKat update soon on remaining Xperia handsets when on the other side Android 4.4.3 has been started seeding on Nexus devices. Drop your comments below.

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  1. nasir January 25, 2016 at 4:04 pm - Reply

    t mobile is not more than a shit

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