Posted on May 29 2015 - 3:41pm by Anurag Kumar

Google announced Android M yesterday at Google I/O 2015 and developer preview images have already been shared for selected Nexus Devices. It was found that Android M supports dark theme system UI along with the light theme and now another very interesting striking feature has been discovered.

Android M supports “Mult-Window Mode”, yes exactly like we saw “dual window mode” in LG G4. Under developer options, there is an option “Multi-Window mode”, activating which you can keep multiple activities on screen at the same time.

Android M Multi-Window Mode

After activating multi-window mode on Android M, select the task layout and then from “recent apps” button tap on the “icon” visible on the name bar of every app opened to set 2 apps/settings in multi-window mode.

Check out the Android M Multi-Window mode preview below.

Android M Multi-Window Mode

Android M Dual Window Mode

How to use Android M Multi Window Mode

Check out below we have opened Google Chrome browser and Messenger app at the same time on the same screen.

Multi Window Mode Android M

Check out here our discussion on which Xperia devices might get Android M update in future.

Like the multi-window feature, let us know? Drop your comments below.

Thanks for the tip, Jishnu Naparajito Sur!

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