Posted on May 2 2015 - 6:19pm by Anurag Kumar

A good news has come for developers working on building custom ROMs and recoveries for Sony Xperia devices, it is expected that Sony Mobile is about to release bootloaders allowing booting from the recovery partition. Earlier there was an issue with the Xperia devices that could not be booted from recovery.

As reported by FXP team, Sony Xperia devices with cortex-A7 processors viz. Xperia T2 Ultra, Xperia T3, Xperia E3 and Xperia M2 are the first ones to receive these bootloaders from Sony, more devices to follow up soon as officially Sony has not released a statement on it yet.

How this works?

The bootloaders are live now and can be installed on above mentioned Xperia devices.

Note: This is for bootloader unlocked devices only!

Download Sony’s official FlashTool. Install it. Run it.

Switch off your device, hold volume down key and plug in USB cable into your PC. Green LED will display and your device will be recognized by FlashTool and bootloader upgrade with “Open Devices” name will be available

Sony bootloaders allowing booting from the recovery partition

Once the new bootloader is installed on your device, you are good to go.

It is really a good news for developers working on Xperia devices.

Source – FXP Blog | via – Android Police
Thanks for the tip, Josephnero!

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2 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Josephnero May 2, 2015 at 9:28 pm - Reply

    Thanks for he credit

  2. andrez May 6, 2015 at 12:08 am - Reply

    i have an Xperia T2 Ultra with bootloader unlocked and opened…
    but the new flashtools (Emma versión of sony) doesnt support Xperia T2 Ultra
    sony releases bootloaders for our xperia t2 ultra, but sony flashtools doesnt suport xperia t2 ultra????
    what the hell…???

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