Sony Live on YouTube 01.00.13 update supports Xperia Z1, ZL2

Sony has updated its Live on YouTube app on Play Store to a newer version 01.00.13 which brings support to Xperia Z1 and Japanese Xperia ZL2. Earlier Live on YouTube app was exclusive for Xperia Z2 only on Play Store. Users can now download Live on YouTube 01.00.13 version from Play Store.

Live on YouTube 01.00.13 version brings improved performance and stability, minor bug fixes. You need to have android 4.4 KitKat installed on your device to install this app.

Live on YouTube 01.00.13 update

The app act as an add-on to Sony Social Camera app and allows you to broadcast your videos on YouTube for 15 minutes live.

Google Play

Live on YouTube 01.00.13 update is 2.64 MB in size.

Live on YouTube 01.00.13 update

Download Live on YouTube 01.00.13 update

If your device is not supported or you can’t download the app from Play Store, try installing the apk manually.


Live on YouTube 01.00.13 apk

Let us know if Live on YouTube 01.00.13 app works on your device. Drop your comments below.

Install AR Effect 2.0.8, Background Defocus 1.1.14, Movie Creator 1.1.A.0.4 app from Xperia Z2

Since we saw Xperia Z2 D6503 17.1.A.2.36 firmware ftf getting leaked and available for download, cross development of new Xperia Z2 apps and features have started. A moment ago we saw new media apps viz. Movies 6.1.A.0.18, Walkman 8.1.A.0.7 and Album 5.4.A.0.24 app getting ported on android 4.1.2+ running devices and now new camera apps have also been ported from this new Xperia Z2 firmware.

XDA dev xperiaz2 aka Ash has ported new AR Effect 2.0.8, Background Defocus 1.1.14 and Movie Creator 1.1.A.0.4 app from Xperia Z2 new firmware for devices running android 4.1.2+ versions. You need root to install the apps, extract the apk from below zip file link and push in system/app > set permissions rw- r– r– and reboot or just flash the zip file in recovery; confirmed working on Xperia Z1 and SP.

Download AR Effect 2.0.8, Background Defocus 1.1.14, Movie Creator 1.1.A.0.4 app


AR Effect 2.0.8 app details info below.

AR Effect 2.0.8 app version

Movie Creator app details below.

Xperia Z2 Movie Creator app

Install the new Xperia Z2 camera apps from KitKat on your device and let us know if they worked or not. Drop your comments below.