Posted on Jun 24 2014 - 6:03pm by Anurag Kumar

Earlier today we posted Xperia Zig Zag themes which follows colored AOSP navigation buttons and now we are listing two new custom Xperia theme viz.. My Xperia Theme and WALKMAN X Theme for rooted Xperia users on android 4.3 jelly bean and android 4.4.2 KitKat version from XDA users Pablosch23 and ibanez7 respectively. You need root access as the major requirement to install both themes otherwise you will end up getting only lockscreen and homescreen wallpaper changing.

WALKMAN X Theme follows the orange color ascent UI based on Sony’s Walkman brand with customized navigation buttons. My Xperia Theme is a descent theme with light blue color ascent UI and with customized scrubbers and navigation buttons. Download both themes from below link and install like a normal apk or push in system/app folder and set permissions as rw- r– r– and reboot your device.

My Xperia Theme

Download My Xperia Theme from below.

Download BetaThemeSea.apk

My Xperia Theme apk

My Xperia Theme


Download  WALKMAN X Theme from below.

Download  Walkman X theme v1.0 by ibanez7.apk

Walkman X Xperia theme

Walkman Xperia theme

Let us know if above Xperia themes works on your Xperia device. Drop your comments below.

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3 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Gizmo Bolt June 24, 2014 at 6:38 pm - Reply

    Guys My Xperia theme is in beta version for the time being as mentioned by dev.

  2. sri June 25, 2014 at 12:57 am - Reply

    How can i get these themes for non rooted devices?? These are looking good but my zl is not rooted and i do not want just change of wallpapers.
    Please advice

  3. Error404 October 14, 2016 at 4:40 am - Reply

    Guys, that looks so awsome, but exept the Background nothing changes anymore on Android 6.0.1 D: I hope you’ll update it soon! Btw, I guessit will also looks pretty cool if you Change the “Home”-Softkey to a “Walkman”-Logo ;D

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