Walkman app version 8.0.A.0.3 Update for Xperia Z, Z1, Z Ultra Rolling

A new Walkman app version 8.0.A.0.3 OTA update is now rolling on Xperia Z devices. It’s the latest build over previous Walkman app version 7.15.A.0.0 which as brought many new features this time. Walkman app version 8.0.A.0.3 OTA Update is already confirmed on Xperia Z1, Z Ultra and Xperia Z, it should soon hit other devices also ( Xperia ZR, ZL, SP etc hopefully ). It has bring the new playlist features besides bug fixes.

Check in your update center app it may or may not be showing a notification for Walkman app version 8.0.A.0.3 OTA Update as shwon below. If yes download it otherwise look for the manual downloading link below.

New Features in Walkman app version 8.0.A.0.3 

  • Enjoy a 30 seconds free preview out of millions of songs from the Music Unlimited streaming service.
  • New playlists for “Newly Added” songs, “Most Played” songs and “Track ID history” ( depending upon the version of Track Id ).

  • Possibility to save playlist shared by your friend.
  • “Now Playing” indicator for songs, albums and playlists.
  • Performance enhancement and bug fixes.

Though “Track ID History” didn’t appear for us, may be because of the Track ID version installed.

Download Walkman app version 8.0.A.0.3 apk

Below Walkman file is extracted from our Xperia Z1 C6902.

Download Walkman 8.0.A.0.3.apk | 14 MB

Just for sake of concern do let us know which Track ID version you are playing, we have version 3.82.06 installed on our device. Xperia L, M, SP, T, V, S, SL, Acro S, Ion, E, J users try installing the app, it may work.

Download the Walkman app version 8.0.A.0.3 and let us know if it worked on your device or not. It seems pretty nice till now, let us know if you find any other major changes in the app other than mentioned by Sony.

Anurag Kumar: Blogging as a hobby. Sales & Marketing Professional. MBA (IB) from IIFT Delhi (2015-17). Founder & Editor-in-Chief of GizmoBolt.com ( formerly XperiaGuide.com ) , TipsySafarnama.com & TipsyChai.com. Follow at Facebook I Twitter I Google Plus | LinkedIn | Instagram. Contact at anurag@gizmobolt.com for feedback and sending tips. Donate Us.

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