Xperia Z2 Tablet LTE 17.1.2.A.0.314 firmware update rolling

17.1.2.A.0.314 firmware rolled on Xperia Z2 a few days back ( android 4.4.2 ) and now the same build has hit Xperia Z2 Tablet LTE version. 17.1.2.A.0.314 firmware brings performance enhancement, bug fixes, improved voice quality and faster battery charging time.

17.1.2.A.0.314 firmware update is only available for Xperia Z2 Tablet LTE SGP521 while nothing is spotted for Wi-Fi variants SGP511, SGP512 yet. Both Xperia Z2 Tablet and phone is on android 4.4.2 for the time being.

17.1.2.A.0.314 firmware is available over PC Companion only, confirmed in Brazil, UK and other parts of Europe. Remember you can’t use SUS now for updating your device.

Download 17.1.2.A.0.314 firmware ftf

Download 17.1.2.A.0.314 firmware ftf from below and flash it using flahtool.

Download SGP521_17.1.2.A.0.314_Generic.ftf

Found any improvements in the update, drop your comments below.

via – XDA

Anurag Kumar: Blogging as a hobby. Sales & Marketing Professional. MBA (IB) from IIFT Delhi (2015-17). Founder & Editor-in-Chief of GizmoBolt.com ( formerly XperiaGuide.com ) , TipsySafarnama.com & TipsyChai.com. Follow at Facebook I Twitter I Google Plus | LinkedIn | Instagram. Contact at anurag@gizmobolt.com for feedback and sending tips. Donate Us.
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