Xperia Z3 Compact vs Z1 Compact Comparison – Hands On Design differences

Xperia Z3 Compact is Sony’s latest flagship device Xperia Z3’s younger sibling with the specifications similar to it, exactly the case seen in Xperia Z1 and Xperia Z1 Compact case. Xperia Z3 Compact features Snapdragon 801 2.5 GHz quad core processor, 2 GB RAM ( Xperia Z3 has 3 GB RAM ), Adreno 330 GPU. It features 4.6″ 720p display with Triluminos Mobile, 16 GB internal storage with 128 GB external microSD card also support, 20.7 MP rear cam and IP65/68 certifications.

Sony Xperia Z3 Compact has 4.6″ screen, S801 processor, 128 GB microSD support while Xperia Z1 Compact has 4.3″ screen, S800 processor, 64 GB microSD support (there is also a difference in IP ratings of both device ). Sony has provided the finest available water resistance and dust resistance IP certifications available on Xperia Z3 Compact. In the following post you will see Xperia Z3 Compact vs Z1 Compact Comparison normally the outer design of both devices.

Xperia Z3 Compact vs Z1 Compact Comparison

You will find Xperia Z1 Compact in White and Xperia Z3 Compact in Red/Orange in below posted pics.

Xperia Z3 Compact vs Z1 Compact Comparison

Presence of strap hole and main microphone on the bottom frame of Xperia Z3 Compact while only main speaker and microphone is present in Xperia Z1 Compact.

Red Xperia Z3 Compact vs White Z1 Compact

3.5 mm headphone port is almost situated at same location in both devices but in Xperia Z3 Compact there is also Digital Noise Cancelling secondary microphone at the top frame.

Xperia Z1 Compact vs Z3 Compact Comparison

At the right side of Xperia Z3 Compact there is magnetic charging pins, micro SD card slot and another big slot which has USB port and SIM card slot inside one flap while in Xperia Z1 Compact all ports are inside separate flaps.

Xperia Z3 Compact vs Z1 Compact

Left side profile of both devices are almost similar with same buttons except the size of buttons and presence of strap hole in Xperia Z1 Compact ( one hole on side frame and one on bottom frame ) which is present completely in Xperia Z3 Compact at the bottom frame.

Xperia Z3 Compact vs Z1 Compact Thickness comparison

Rear side of both devices are almost same ( except the presence of secondary microphone in Xperia Z1 Compact ). NFC, Sony and Xperia branding are at the exact same location. Though the locations of marking of 20.7 MP cam is different in both devices.

Z3 Compact vs Z1 Compact

Do check our hands on Xperia Z3 and Xperia Z3 Compact comparison here.

Xperia Z3 and Xperia Z3 Compact is already available in India at Flipkart, if you are looking for them. On Amazon International Xperia Z3 is listed for $694 and Xperia Z3 Compact for $533.

Xperia Z3 Compact is a very beautiful device powered with top specifications and a worthy upgrade over Xperia Z1 Compact. Are you impressed by Xperia Z3 Compact, let us know. Drop your comments below.