7 Reasons To Buy A Tablet

Everyone seems to have a tablet these days, but is it really worth buying one? Our team did a bit of investigating and found these 7 creative reasons to purchase a tablet (well, 6 creative and 7 practical reasons).

Cannot Beat The Price

We discovered that price is a huge indicator. Today’s tablets are high quality, high-end devices that are also very affordable, which let’s face it, is an element that does not hinder its popularity. With technology developing at an intense speed and demand growing by the day, Android’s price is becoming less and less of an issue and more of a reason to purchase the product.

A Backup External Storage

To put it simply, an Android’s backup storage capability basically makes it timeless. This means that by buying a tablet you can never really go wrong. You’ve used the android tablets for years, got the most out of it, what now? Well, you can use it as a backup storage to save all your valued photographs, movies, music, and personal or business files.

Screens, Screens Everywhere!

Always wanted to be the guy in the office with multiple screens?  Now you can, and without breaking your budget. Whether you have a tablet that is a bit old, or have purchased a new one, you can simply connect it to your computer, converting it to a second monitor.

Carry Hundreds Of Books Without Breaking Your Back

Gather all your favourite books, magazines, and comic books in one location. In a country where you can’t get your hands on the literature you need? Don’t fear, with a tablet, you have hundreds of libraries just a click away.

Never Get Lost Again

Hate asking for direction? You are not alone. You tablet will once again rescue you from an unpleasant or even stressful situation. It is easy to use, easy to view, and even listens to your commands.

A Cash Register On The Go Or For A Small Business

Turn your tablet into a cash register by merely installing an app. It is trustworthy, popular, and often a business saver for small or on-the-go businesses.

A Tablet As A Security Camera

Turn your tablet into a security camera to keep a watch over your house, business, or use it as a monitoring device to check up on your kids, pets and loved ones.

There you have it, tablets are not only great for surfing the web, capturing amazing photos and moments, but when used with creativity, they present endless possibilities. For those who are new to the world of tablets, there are various android tablet usage guides on the web on the basics of tablet usage to make your tablet experience an enjoyable one.


Goga Shahinyan has been writing on behalf of TIME2 for a number of years satisfying her passion for technological developments that are made available to the average individual. She loves discovering new and unconventional ways technologies are being used everyday.

Image Credits: BuisnessNewsDaily