Posted on Apr 9 2015 - 11:35pm by Anurag Kumar

New 23.2.A.0.278 firmware firmware which was recently certified for Xperia Z3 (the then tagged as “Android 5.1”) is now officially rolling and is confirmed as Android 5.0.2 only. 23.2.A.0.278 firmware is confirmed rolling for Xperia Z3 D6603 in Germany (Telekom carrier). Update follows Android 5.0.2 23.1.A.0.690 firmware update for Xperia Z3.

Another bug fixing Android 5.0.2 Lollipop update in form of 23.1.A.0.726 firmware is rolling on Xperia Z3 Compact D5803 & D5833 whereas 23.2.A.0.278 firmware is also confirmed for Xperia Z3 Compact Germany users.

Xperia Z3 23.2.A.0.278 firmware update

Check out the about phone screenshot of 23.2.A.0.278 firmware on Xperia Z3. “Close Recent” apps options is not present in this update which was seen in Xperia Z2 Lollipop update.

[ UPDATEXperia Z3 Compact 23.1.A.0.726, 23.2.A.0.278 firmware rolling now – Android 5.0.2 update

Xperia Z3 Android 5.0.2 23.2.A.0.278 firmware

[ UPDATE ] Xperia Z3 23.1.A.0.726 firmware update for D6603 in Russia.

Xperia Z3 23.1.A.0.726 firmware

23.2.A.0.278 firmware update is just a bug fixing update, nothing major spotted so far.

For the time being 23.2.A.0.278 firmware seems a carrier update only, lets see if it rolls worldwide or not. We will post the 23.2.A.0.278 ftf as soon as it is out.

Note: If you haven’t got the firmware update yet and the same firmware is showing in XperiFirm tool, then you can download it now and flash it using Flashtool. Check the tutorial given below:

How to download Lollipop firmware using XperiFirm tool?

How to flash Lollipop firmware ftf using Flashtool?

Let us know if you have got 23.2.A.0.278 firmware update on your Xperia Z3.

Drop your comments below.

Thanks for the tip, Shuhail! Screenshot by okti35!

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