Posted on Mar 7 2015 - 9:09pm by Anurag Kumar

A few screenshots have emerged online which shows Xperia C3 running Android 5.0 Lollipop update just like we saw on Xperia M4 Aqua and Xperia Z4 Tablet at MWC 2015. It could mean that Android 5.0 Lollipopp update is in making for Xperia C3 but yesterday Sony Xperia Twitter handler tweeted that no non-Xperia “Z” series handset will be getting Android Lollipop update.

By seeing at screenshots it looks that Xperia C3 may get Lollipop update only if they are authentic and Sony formally announces it. For the time being Sony has not disclosed its plan for Lollipop update on any Xperia handset except the “Z” series.

Xperia C3 running Android 5.0 Lollipop

Screenshots show Xperia C3 D2533 is running Android 5.0 19.3.A.0.222 firmware, certainly an older version (as at MWC Sony showed Android 5.0.2 running on Xperia M4 Aqua and Xperia Z4 Tablet).

Xperia C3 running Android 5.0 Lollipop

Below you can see some of the elements of material design UI.

Xperia C3 Android Lollipop lockscreen

Xperia C3 Lollipop Home launcher

Xperia C3 Lollipop Recent and Small Apps

Xperia C3 lollipop Camera

It can’t be said at the moment about the authenticity of above posted screenshots, so fate of Lollipop update for all Xperia handsets other than “Z” series is still hanging between somewhere and nowhere.

Source – IT168

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