Posted on Feb 26 2015 - 6:48pm by Anurag Kumar

Sony has updated its Live on YouTube – by Xperia app to newer 01.00.41 version over older 01.00.39 version. Newer version brings more variable bitrate: efficient Wi-Fi and Mobile data besides usual bug fixing. New list of supported Xperia devices by this app is Xperia Z3, Z3 Compact, ZL2, Z2 Tablet, Z2, Z1 Compact, Z1, Z, Tablet Z, Z Ultra, ZL, ZQ, ZR.

Now you can broadcast your videos in HD and full HD an broadcast duration has been increased to 60 minutes. Live on YouTube app 01.00.41 update brings new Switch Account option, where you can choose which YouTube Channel you want to broadcast on.

Live on YouTube app 01.00.41

Download Live on YouTube app 01.00.41 app from below Play Store link.

Download Xperia FIFA theme from Play Store

Live on YouTube app 01.00.41

If you haven’t got the update yet, download the apk from below and install normally.


Facing any issues in accessing the app, let us know. Drop your comments below.

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