Posted on Sep 19 2014 - 12:55am by Anurag Kumar

Sony has updated Movie Creator app to version 2.1.A.0.4 today from older 2.1.A.0.4 version. Movie Creator 2.1.A.0.4 app update allows you to now change the background music of any highlight video stored on your device. New graphic patterns are available for title of highlight movie. You can now change a photo or a movie in highlight video as per the changelog mentioned by Sony.

Movie Creator 2.1.A.0.4 app size is 10 MB, go to update center app and look for a notification to download it. Earlier today Sony also rolled Walkman 8.4.A.4.4 appAlbum 6.3.A.0.12 app and Movies 7.3.A.0.2 app update.

Movie Creator 2.1.A.0.4 app

It is confirmed rolling on Android 4.2+ running Xperia handsets.

Movie Creator 2.1.A.0.4 apk

Download Movie Creator 2.1.A.0.4 apk

If you haven’t got the update yet, download apk from below and install like a normal apk.

Download SomcMovieCreatorRmm.apk

Movie Creator 2.1.A.0.4 app

Movie Creator 2.1.A.0.4

Let us know if you are facing any issues in making your highlight video using Movie Creator app. Drop your comments below.

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