Sony has updated its native Sketch app to newer version 2.0.A.1.6 from previous Sketch 4.1 app 2.0.A.1.1 version. Sketch 4.2 app 2.0.A.1.6 version has brought many noticeable changes like notifications whenever new sticker pack is available. Sony mentioned that premium stickers are available for download free for the time being.
Sketch 4.2 app 2.0.A.1.6 version update is available over OTA on Xperia handsets running Android 4.3+. It is confirmed on handsets like Xperia Z1, Z2, Z, ZL, ZR, Z Ultra, L etc.
Sketch 4.2 app 2.0.A.1.6 version
Update size is 10.2 MB.
Download Sketch 4.2 app 2.0.A.1.6 version apk from below. Install it like a normal apk.
For Android 4.1 users
Download SomcSketch_JB_4.1.apk
For Android 4.2+ users
Download SomcSketch.apk
Install Sketch app on your device and let us know if you like it. Drop your comments below.
Thanks Ben for the Tip and porting!
Wo… great. It’s been more stable than previous.