Posted on Aug 6 2014 - 9:11pm by Anurag Kumar

Sony has finally rolled much awaited Android 4.4.4 KitKat update on T-Mobile Xperia Z1s C6916 for US users in form of 14.4.B.0.37 firmware via PC Companion. Xperia Z1s was launched at CES 2014 event with android 4.3 out of the box. Sony has not updated the latest build on its product page yet.

14.4.B.0.37 firmware brings features like new Xperia home launcher, new Xperia themes, customized Xperia Keyboard, transparent navigation and status bar, white status bar icons, new Sony Media apps, new bootanimation, more responsive touch screen and features like answering machine in call settings. Compatibility with Sony SmartBand SWR10 is also there now.

Xperia Z1s 14.4.B.0.37 firmware Android 4.4.4 KitKat update

Below you can see the Xperia Z1s 14.4.B.0.37 firmware Android 4.4.4 KitKat update notification on mobile.

14.4.B.0.37 firmware notification

14.4.B.0.37 firmware about phone details below.

14.4.B.0.37 firmware about phone

Image Credits : troby86

Note : We noticed that still bootloader unlocking is not allowed on Xperia Z1s C6916 on KitKat update.

Bootloader unlock not allowed on Xperia Z1s KitKat

We will soon try to post the 14.4.B.0.37 firmware ftf for manual flashing.

If you have already updated your Xperia Z1s C6916 on 14.4.B.0.37 firmware, let us know your views on it. Liked the new features. Drop your comments below.

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3 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. phung August 11, 2014 at 1:24 pm - Reply

    why my phone does not have the 4.4 update kitkat although I have sony pc connected company ?????????

  2. Luis August 18, 2014 at 10:54 am - Reply

    Before the update to 4.4.4, I was able to save or delete files to the external memory card with third party applications, now it is only possible with the internal manager… I’m reverting back to 4.3 That’s a feature I cannot loose.

  3. Stpehen August 31, 2014 at 8:47 am - Reply

    My phone updated to 4.4.4 and no i cant use the root exploit jcase and beaups set up how do i revert?

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