Posted on Mar 17 2014 - 5:50pm by Anurag Kumar

CyanogenMod 11 based on android 4.4.2 KitKat was already released for Xperia Z1, Z Ultra and Z Ultra Google Play Edition a lot ago and now CyanogenMod 11 has hit Xperia Z1 Compact. Sony has already mentioned that they will be rolling android 4.4.2 KitKat for Xperia Z family and soon Xperia Z1 Compact will be getting it but if you are tired of waiting already and want to enjoy the stock android experience on your Xperia Z1 Compact here is your solution; CyanogenMod 11 Nightlies.

Xperia Z1 Compact CyanogenMod 11 Nightlies are available for download and you can test it on your device. As this is very early phase of CyanogenMod 11 ROM so experiencing bugs and other issues is natural. You need to unlock bootloader on your Xperia Z1 Compact before installing this.

We are including the latest Xperia Z1 Compact CyanogenMod 11 NightlyROM below, for other versions check the CyanogenMod 11 Amami download page. You need to flash Google Apps package separately after flashing the below mentioned ROM.


Other stable version of Xperia Z1 Compact CyanogenMod 11 will be released later, so keep on checking the download page if you are about to install the ROM till Sony rolls android 4.4.2 KitKat officially.

Excited Xperia Z1 Compact users, let us know if you are about to test CyanogenMod 11 Nightlies on your handset. Drop your comments below

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