As you all know cross development for Xperia smartphones especially concerning Xperia Z2 KitKat apps and features is on fire, we are seeing daily so many ports related to Xperia Z2 apps. Latest addition to that list is Xperia Z2 Calculator app from KitKat. At present the calculator app on Xperia Z1 reads 4.3.-33 version on Android 4.3 jelly bean.
In the midst of all Xperia Z2 Calculator 4.4.2-2 version from KitKat has been ported by XDA user jatinrungta for all phones running android 4.1+, rooted handset ( install SuperUser Mod if you find any issues in installing the app, kindly install SuperUser Mod if you can, follow the guide given here. ).
Download the below mentioned Xperia Z2 Calculator 4.4.2-2 version apk from below link and push in system/app, set permissions rw- r– r– and reboot.
Download Calculator.apk
Do try the below Xperia Z2 mods on your Xperia device, if you want.
Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper 1.0.A.0.9 version for NON ROOTED devices
Install Xperia Z2 Calculator 4.4.2-2 version and let us know if it worked on your device or not. Drop your comments below.
Don’t work!
Broken link!