Posted on Jan 17 2014 - 12:56pm by Anurag Kumar

Yesterday we saw Sony tweeting regarding an ETA for android 4.3 roll out on Xperia SP at the end of Jan or in early Feb 2014 after two android 4.3 firmwares were already certified on PTCRB from which one was removed later. Well it seems now another new Android 4.3 12.1.A.0.263 firmware is certified on PTCRB page and we hope it is the final build of which Sony mentioned in tweet.

Android 4.3 12.1.A.0.263 firmware is certified for all Xperia SP variants C5302 / C5303 / C5306, this would be the third build to get certify; first being 12.1.A.0.253 firmware and second being 12.1.A.0.256 firmware from which we saw leaked 12.1.A.0.253 firmware ROM revealing what Sony has planned for Xperia SP users on android 4.3.

[ UPDATE – 29 Jan ]

Xperia SP Android 4.3 12.1.A.0.266 firmware certified – Final Build ?

Check the certification of 12.1.A.0.263 firmware for Xperia SP below.

certification of 12.1.A.0.263 firmware for Xperia SP

If you want to install leaked android 4.3 12.1.A.0.256 firmware ROM on your Xperia SP, you can after unlocking the bootloader. Follow the given below link.

Download Android 4.3 12.1.A.0.256 firmware Leaked ROM for Xperia SP 

Xperia SP Android 4.3 12.1.A.0.256 firmware Screenshots Leaked

We hope Sony rolls out soon this new 12.1.A.0.263 firmware as it is already too later as per the promise made by them earlier and hope it is bug free as they have spent a lot time on it. What do you think Xperia SP users and what bugs you are facing currently on android 4.1.2 firmware. Drop your comments below.

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3 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. suraj January 23, 2014 at 12:16 am - Reply

    Please tell when Xperia c2305 get 4.3 or 4.4

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