Posted on Aug 22 2013 - 12:36pm by Anurag Kumar

X-Reality for mobile is presently missing from Xperia Z Ultra C6802 HSAP+ version and it is speculated that with the launch of Xperia Z Ultra LTE version, users will see X-Reality for Mobile in it.

X Reality for Mobile Xperia Z Ultra coming during 9 Sept., 2013 week

As seen from the White Paper published for Xperia Z Ultra LTE variants C6843/C6833/C6806, it seems X-Reality is missing from them also and it may come in the upcoming firmware updates for them.

Sony quoted it officially about the feature X-Reality for mobile in the white papers published for Xperia Z Ultra C6843/C6833/C6806/C6802 variants and will come in week commencing 9th September, 2013.

Check the below quote from white paper.

X-Reality for Xperia Z Ultra C6843 coming in commencing week 9 Sept. 2013

Yesterday we saw new 14.1.B.1.510, 14.1.B.1.515 Firmware Certified by PTCRB for all Xperia Z Ultra versions, well so X-Reality will come in those certified firmwares or with another higher firmware build certified 14.1.B.1.493.

[ via – Sony Developers ]

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