Download Darth Vader poster from Star Wars Identities exhibition at Paris via Xperia Lounge App

Xperia Lounge app is an app which brings exclusive campaigns for Sony Xperia users and right now Xperia Lounge is officially sponsoring Start Wars Identities, an exhibition where more than 200 original Start Wars costumes, designs, props, models, illustrations etc will be displayed. Darth Vader, R2D2, C-3PO, Chewbacca, Yoda and other Start Wars characters will also be displayed in exhibition.

Star Wars Identities exhibition has already been at Montreal, Canada and now it has arrived in Paris, France at Cité du Cinéma. Interviews with Gaetan Namouric, Creative director of Bleublancrouge, the design agency behind the Star Wars Identities exhibition posters.

If you are an Xperia user, open the Xperia Lounge app and look for Star Wars Identities exhibition post where you can download the official Darth Vader poster. Check below for further steps.



Download Download Darth Vader poster

If you are not able to access the Darth Vader Poster from Xperia Lounge app then you can manually download it from below link and set it as your wallpaper on homescreen.

Resolution of wallpaper is 2832 × 3912.

Download DarthVader.jpg


If you are in France do visit Star Wars Identities exhibition at Paris. Download the wallpaper and enjoy. Let us know if you like it.

Download Xperia themes Easter and Nuclear for Xperia devices

A few days back we saw The Green Personalisation app maker launching 5 new Xperia Themes Bestfriends, Sporty, Blinger, NewEngland, Headbanger on Google Play Store and today 2 new more Xperia themes viz. Easter and Nulcear have been launched by same app maker on Play Store.

All above mentioned themes are paid themes so you need to download them directly from Play Store. You need android 4.3+ running firmware to install these theme as Sony made possible to install downloadable Xperia Themes on android 4.3+ version onwards or on a particular custom firmware which allows you to install Xperia themes. All these themes working great on Xperia Z1, Z Ultra, Z2, ZL, Z, ZR, Tablet Z, Tablet Z2, Xperia SP, T, V, TX.

Download Xperia Theme Easter

This theme is made specifically on Easter festival theme and has very good graphic customization.

Download Xperia Theme Easter | se.thegreen.themes.easter

Xperia theme Easter

Xperia theme Easter Lockscreen

Download Xperia Theme Nuclear

This theme is made specifically on Nuclear / Atomic style.

Download Xperia Theme Nuclear | se.thegreen.themes.nuclear

Xperia Theme Nuclear

Kindly don’t ask for stand alone apks of both themes from us. Do let us know if you like these theme, we liked Easter theme. Drop your comments below.

Download Background defocus 1.2.6 version app from Play Store

Sony introduced Background defocus app first on Xperia Z1S, LTE version of Xperia Z1 in USA, background defocus app blurs an image background to create an effect like DSLR. Background defocus app was limited to a few Xperia smartphones till now but today Sony released it globally on Play Store, now Background defocus app can be downloaded on all Xperia handsets which have Sony Social Smart Camera app installed.

Background defocus 1.2.6 version app is the first version which is seen on Play Store though older versions have been spotted on Xperia Z1, Xperia Z2, Xperia Z1S pre-installed in android 4.3 and android 4.4.2 KitKat update. To get the perfect pictures from Background defocus app you need to focus on object atleast 15-45 cm away from camera and background atleast 5m away. It will not work on the maximum resolution of your handset.

Download Background defocus 1.2.6 version app

Follow the Google Play Store link to download it. If you are unable to download it then check the below link to download it manually and install it like a normal apk.

Download com.sonymobile.backgrounddefocus-1.apk

 Background defocus 1.2.6 version app

Below you can see the  Background defocus 1.2.6 version app UI.

 Background defocus 1.2.6 version app UI

If you have downloaded the  Background defocus 1.2.6 version app on your Xperia device, let us know if it worked. Drop your comments below.

Thanks Rimas 🙂

Sony Album 6.0.A.0.26, Walkman 8.3.A.0.2 app update rolled out

A couple of days back we came across Movies app 5.3.A.0.18 version update which brought new slide in feature for Movies app which was spotted at MWC 2014 event running on Xperia Z2 and now the same feature has been rolled in new Sony Album 6.0.A.0.26 and Walkman 8.3.A.0.2 app update which was rolled out today; update confirmed on Xperia Z2, Z1, Z, ZL, ZR, Z Ultra, L, SP and many other Xperia handsets.

Sony Album 6.0.A.0.26 and Walkman 8.3.A.0.2 app update brings new UI for both apps with much better pinch to zoom functionality and the menu option now slides in like Google Play Store app has. More new features, settings and smoothness is spotted on both apps. To download Sony Album 6.0.A.0.26 and Walkman 8.3.A.0.2 app update, you need to download both apps via update center app if you have got the notification; if not then check the below links to download it manually.

Sony Album 6.0.A.0.26 and Walkman 8.3.A.0.2 app update

Sony Album 6.0.A.0.26 app update

Download Album 6.0.A.0.26 app

Download from below link and install it like normal apk.

Download com.sonyericsson.album-1.apk

Album 6.0.A.0.26 app update

Album 6.0.A.0.26 app apk

Album 6.0.A.0.26 app

Download Walkman 8.3.A.0.2 app

Install it like normal apk.


Walkman 8.3.A.0.2 app

Walkman 8.3.A.0.2 app update

Walkman 8.3.A.0.2 app apk

Walkman 8.3.A.0.2 app update

Walkman 8.3.A.0.2 app Xperia Z2

Walkman 8.3.A.0.2

If you have not got the update notification yet then download the Album 6.0.A.0.26 and Walkman 8.3.A.0.2 app apk now and install it on your Xperia device, these two versions are the best of these app till now. Let us know if you like them. Drop your comments below.

Thanks Rimas 🙂

Install Fast Recent Apps Switcher Small App on Xperia device

Sony’s small apps feature is one of the cool feature of its UI which serves a purpose of multitasking in same screen without switching off another app from main screen. At present there are many stock small apps provided by Sony and some small apps are available on Play Store also. As you are all aware that right corner soft key is used for accessing recent apps opened by the user and at present there is no other option than that to access that functionality.

XDA user hansip87 has made a responsive Fast Recent Apps Switcher Small App for all Xperia devices which supports Sony Small apps firmware. You can install on Fast Recent Apps Switcher Small App on both rooted as well as non rooted handsets. We have tried the app on your Xperia Z1, Z, SP and it works like charm.

Download Fast Recent Apps Switcher Small App

Install it like a normal apk.

Download RecentAppSwitcher1.7.1.apk

Below you can see the preview of Fast Recent Apps Switcher Small App and its layout. Options for both horizontal and vertical layouts are available with a full control over the transparency of the app background UI.

Fast Recent Apps Switcher Small App









Install the above app and let us know if it works on your Xperia device or not. Drop your comments below.

Download Sony SmartBand SWR10 app v1.1.0.304 from Play Store

Sony has officially introduced LifeLog app version 1.0.A.1.0 for Xperia Z2, Z1, Z1 Compact, Z Ultra compatible with android 4.4.2 KitKat version, in future we will see more compatibility with other Xperia phones also. Now Sony has released another app on Play Store compatible with SmartBand SWR10 i.e. Sony SmartBand SWR10 app v1.1.0.304 which will act as an interface between your Xperia smartphone and SWR10 band.

Sony SmartBand SWR10 app v1.1.0.304 will not appear on the homescreen of your smartphone as soon as you install it, to make it work you must have Sony Smart Connect app installed along with Lifelog app, it is only compatible with Android 4.4+ version running Xperia smartphones only.

Download Sony SmartBand SWR10 app v1.1.0.304

Download the SmartBand SWR10 app from Play Store, access the below link.

Download com.sonymobile.smartconnect.hostapp.ellis

Sony SmartBand SWR10 app v1.1.0.304

SmartBand SWR10 app Play Store

SmartBand SWR10 app apk

Sony SmartBand SWR10 app

If you have bought Sony SmartBand SWR10, then this app is must for you to install. Install it and let us know, how it went. Drop your comments below.

Xperia Guide official android app on Play Store now

XperiaGuide is a blog related to “Xperia Smartphones”, as you all know. To help all those Xperia users who are looking out for stuffs related to their Xperia phone, we provide all latest Xperia Updates, News, Tips, Tutorials, App reviews, firmware updating steps. At XperiaGuide you can find all latest apps, themes and games for your Xperia phone. XperiaGuide is the best place if you are looking for development related issues for your Xperia Phone.

Today we have launched official android app on Play Store now. Now you can access XperiaGuide on your any android device by checking all latest posts and feeds. Our app is compatible with android 2.2+ version tablets and smartphones.

Download Xperia Guide app from Google Play, version 1.0. Add Free version coming soon in next update.!

Download com.xperiaguide

install xguide

Key Features of app

  • Notifies whenever new article is available.
  • Sync now for latest articles manually.
  • White and Black background themes added.
  • Share posts on more than 10 social networks.
  • Unread posts : Posts which you have missed reading.
  • Last 24 hours : Check articles posted in last 24 hours.
  • List and Grid option available for post layout.
  • Read content offline.
  • Add Widgets on Home Screen.

Below you can see the preview of Xperia Guide official android app.

Xperia Guide app

Xperia Guide app apk

Xperia Guide apk

Xperia Guide version 1.0 APP

Xperia Guide version 1.0

Xperia Guide version 1.0 apk

Xperia Guide official android app

Download the Xperia Guide official android app from Google Play Store and let us know do you like it. Enjoy and share the feedback. Drop your comments below.

Follow us at Facebook I Twitter I Google Plus I Pinterest I RSS feeds

Download Xperia Z2 STM10 Audio Recorder app for any Xperia device

Sony introduced an exclusive Stereo Microphone STM10 for recording high quality audio with a dedicated  STM10 Audio Recorder app on Xperia Z2 compatible with the STM10 microphone. Sony Stereo Microphone STM10 is high sensitive type of audio recording device made up of aluminium frame and steel mesh; 90 degree tilt functioning is there so that you can record audio coming from any direction.

Xperia Z2 has a special STM10 Audio Recorder app  where 4 Audio recording quality is available under settings, the highest lossless 44kHz 16bit WAV. Now you can download Xperia Z2 STM10 Audio Recorder app and install on any Xperia device. It works on booth rooted as well as non rooted handsets.

Download Xperia Z2 STM10 Audio Recorder app

Xperia Z2 STM10 Audio Recorder app is compatible with Xperia Z1, Z1 Compact, Z Ultra, Z, ZL, ZR, SP, S, V,T, TX, L, M, C etc. Current version of Xperia Z2 STM10 Audio Recorder app reads 1.00.06_4.

Download Xperia Z2 STM10AudioRecorder.apk

Xperia Z2 STM10 Audio Recorder app

Sony STM10 Audio Recorder app

STM10 Audio Recorder app apk

STM10 Recording app apk

Install Xperia Z2 STM10 Audio Recorder app on your Xperia device and let us know of if it worked on not. Drop your comments below.

Download The Amazing Spider-Man Mission app from Sony – Take picture with Spider Man

Sony Entertainments is doing a lot promotion for their next big release i.e. Amazing Spider-Man 2, a few days back we saw official Sony Amazing Spider-Man 2 Theme for Xperia handsets and now Sony has launched a new The Amazing Spider-Man Mission app. This app follows with set of missions to be completed which will help you to take a snapshot with Spider Man at Sony Xperia stores exclusively at some regions.

The Amazing Spider-Man Mission app from Sony is available at selective regions only for the time being and can be downloaded from Google Play Store. You need to download the The Amazing Spider-Man Mission app, then visit any official Sony brand shops and launch the app, look for AR marker and as you find it complete AR missions and get a chance to take a snap with Spider Man’s promotional figure.

Download The Amazing Spider-Man Mission app

Download the app from below link ( Play Store link ), it may or may not be available to your Xperia device depending upon your region / location.


Download The Amazing Spider-Man Mission app

Download The Amazing Spider-Man Mission app manually if you are not able to install it from Play Store.

Download amazingspidermanmission.apk

Below you can see the series of steps you need to complete.

Download The Amazing Spider-Man Mission app

The Amazing Spider-Man Mission app

The Amazing Spider-Man Mission app from Sony

The Amazing Spider-Man Mission app apk

Check the official video from Sony on The Amazing Spider-Man Mission app.

If you have downloaded the app and completed the mission successfully, let us know. Drop your comments below.

Source – Sony, Thanks Rimas 🙂

Xperia Movies 6.2.A.0.8, Video Unlimited 11.0.B.0.4 update rolling out

Sony has launched a huge Xperia Movies 6.2.A.0.8, Video Unlimited 11.0.B.0.4 update for many Xperia devices just a day after launching a bug fixing KitKat 14.3.A.0.757 firmware update for Xperia Z1, Z1 Compact and Z Ultra. New Xperia Movies app UI is similar to what we saw on Xperia Z2 at MWC 2014 with lots of news feature and settings.

Xperia Movies 6.2.A.0.8 app is a bug update over previous version 6.1.A.0.20 version; available via OTA update notification only, confirmed on Xperia Z1, Z Ultra, Z1 Compact, Z, ZL, ZR, L, SP in many regions around the world. We are not sure whether the same apps update have been rolled on Xperia C or not.

Xperia Movies 6.2.A.0.8 app

Look for a Xperia Movies 6.2.A.0.8 app OTA update notification in your update center app and proceed as per onscreen instructions.

Xperia Movies 6.2.A.0.8 app

Xperia Movies 6.2.A.0.8 layout

Xperia Movies 6.2.A.0.8 UI

Xperia Movies 6.2.A.0.8

Xperia Movies 6.2.A.0.8 app changelog

  • New improved UI, with slider feature for settings and other features.
  • New Layout for Movies sorting.
  • Smooth functionality.

Download Xperia Movies 6.2.A.0.8 app

If you haven’t got the app update notification then download from given below link. Below app is extracted from our Xperia Z1.


Xperia Video Unlimited 11.0.B.0.4 app

Look for an update notification in your update center app.

Xperia Video Unlimited 11.0.B.0.4 app

Download  Video Unlimited 11.0.B.0.4 app


If you have also updated your Movies and Video Unlimited app then let us know. Like the new UI, Drop your comments below.

Download Sony LifeLog app 1.0.A.1.0 from Play Store – Launched for Xperia Z2, Z1, Z Ultra, Z1 Compact

Sony has officially launched today Sony LifeLog app first version on Google Play Store for Xperia Z2 ( where it comes pre-installed ), Xperia Z1, Xperia Z Ultra and Xperia Z1 Compact i.e. compatible with devices running android 4.4.2 KitKat only for the being. Sony LifeLog app is compatible with Sony SmartBand SW10 from which you can track your daily activities and log your details.

At present Sony LifeLog app is available for selective regions only. It is not available for regions like India, UK, Taiwan, China, USA at the time of writing the post we tried and were not able to download it on other devices except Xperia Z2. Sony may make it available for all regions once global roll out of Xperia Z2 and Sw10 band is completed. You can download the Sony LifeLog app from below official link if you have any of above mentioned compatible device.

Download Sony LifeLog app

To use Sony Lifelog app with your Sony SmartBand SW10 you need to install Sony SmartConnect app on your device.

Current Version of Sony Lifelog app is 1.0.A.1.0

Download com.sonymobile.lifelog

Download Sony LifeLog app 1.0.A.1.0 apk Manually

All those users who are not able to install the app directly from Play Store can now download the apk and install it.

Download com.sonymobile.lifelog-1.apk

Below you can see some official screenshots from Sony LifeLog app.

Sony LifeLog app apk

Download Sony LifeLog app

Sony has promised to bring more functionality to the app and increasing the number of compatible devices list in near future. Stay tuned till then and if the Sony Lifelog app is available in your region then do let us know. Drop your comments below.

Source – Sony, Thanks Rimas 🙂

Install Xperia Iron Man Custom theme on Xperia smartphone

Sony introduced new Xperia theme engine in android 4.3 update and till now we have seen so many Xperia themes on Play Store and custom themes made by developers. Recently we saw Sony launching an official Xperia Amazing Spider-Man 2 theme for Xperia devices running android 4.3+ version which was clearly a promotional theme for the upcoming movie.

XDA user ak.akshay has come up with a new Xperia Iron Man Custom theme which can be installed on booth rooted as well as non-rooted Xperia devices running android 4.3+ later versions. If you try Xperia Iron Man Custom theme on rooted handset then theme will be fully integrated as it should while if tried on non-rooted handset then theme will change everything except the soft navigation keys and status bar color.

Download Xperia Iron Man Custom theme

Below version is 2.0 Beta. Rooted user install normally or push in system/app; non-rooted users install it normally. Working great on 720p screen displays while also looks fine on 1080p displays.

Download IronMan (By Ak).apk

Below you can see the preview of Xperia Iron Man Custom theme.

For Rooted Handsets

Xperia Iron Man Custom theme

Xperia Iron Man theme

Download Xperia Iron Man theme

Download Xperia Iron Man theme for rooted device

For Non-Rooted Handsets

Xperia Iron Man theme for Xperia Z1

Xperia Iron Man theme for Xperia Z2

Xperia Iron Man theme Lockscreen

Install it guys and let us do you like it. Drop your comments below.

Download The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Xperia Theme from Sony

Sony Mobile has officially launched its first Xperia theme for devices running on android 4.3 and later versions in form of “The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Xperia Theme“. Sony Entertainment is about to launch The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie very soon and this comes as a promotional treat from Sony for Xperia smartphone users. We have downloaded the theme officially and it is one of the best downloadable Xperia themes present on Play Store so far.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Xperia Theme is available for all Xperia devices running android 4.3+ and can only be downloaded from from Google Play Store. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Xperia Theme changes the homescreen lockscreen wallpaper, gives new soft navigation keys, red and black status bar, new on/off icons, honeycomb like off white color background and much more. Works great on Xperia Z2, Z1, Z Ultra, Z1S, Z1 Compact, Tablet Z, Z2 Tablet, SP, V, TX and T.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Xperia Theme

Access the official download link at Google Play Store.

If you are not able to download The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Xperia Theme from Play Store then you can manually download it from given below link. Install it like normal apk and set theme Spider-Man 2 theme from personalization settings.

Download com.sonymobile.themes.spiderman2-1.apk

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Xperia Theme app details

Below you can see the preview of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Xperia Theme.

Xperia Spider Man Theme

Xperia Spider Man Theme Power menu

Xperia Amazing Spider Man Theme Lockscreen

Xperia Amazing Spider Man theme Home launcher

Xperia Amazing Spider Man theme Home

Xperia Amazing Spider Man Settings

Xperia Amazing Spider Man theme KitKat

Xperia Amazing Spider Man 2 theme

Xperia Amazing Spider Man 2 Theme home panes

Download Xperia Amazing Spider Man 2 Theme

Download Xperia Amazing Spider-Man 2 Theme

Xperia Spider-Man 2 Theme Message icons

Xperia Spider-Man 2 Theme Message icons

Xperia Spider-Man 2 Theme On Off icons

Xperia Spider-Man 2 Theme

Download The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Xperia Theme on your Xperia handset and let us know, did you like it. Drop your comments below.

Download Voice balloon photo app version 1.0.A.0.0 from Sony

Sony Mobile rolled Android 4.4.2 KitKat for Xperia Z1, Xperia Z Ultra and Xperia Z1 Compact yesterday and foretold its plan to update other Xperia devices ( Z, ZL, ZR, Tablet Z, M2, E1, T2 Ultra ) on KitKat in future. Sony Mobile has rolled “Voice balloon photo” photography app for its Smart Social Camera app for all devices updated in KitKat yesterday.

Sony Voice balloon photo app allows you to put text on the photo in form of balloons by recognizing the voice of the users around the camera. You can edit the words spoken, put them in three different style options and can really give words to your beautiful pic captured. Let’s see how it works.

Voice balloon photo app

At present Voice balloon photo app is exclusively only available for Xperia KitKat devices in selected regions only ( available in UK ), you may not be able to download it officially from Play Store. If it is not available for your regions like India etc then you can download the  Voice balloon photo apk from below and install it normally.

Voice balloon photo app confirmed working on Xperia Z2, Xperia Z1, Z Ultra and Z1 Compact running KitKat. Other Xperia devices running android 4.3 not tested yet. Not working for Android 4.3 Xperia SP.

Voice balloon photo app Version 1.0.A.0.0

For Stock KitKat Xperia Z1, Z Ultra, Z1 Compact and Z2 – No Root Needed

Download com.sonymobile.voiceballoonphoto-1.apk

Voice balloon photo app Version 1.0.A.0.0

Voice balloon photo app For Android 4.3 Devices – No Root Needed

XDA user kongaz2 has ported Voice balloon photo app version 1.0.A.0.0 for android 4.3 running devices. Download the apk from below and install it like normal apk on Xperia Z, ZL, ZR, Tablet Z, SP, T, TX, V.

Download [4.3+]Voice balloon photo v1.0.A.0.0.apk

Voice balloon photo app fro Android 4.1.2 Devices – No Root Needed

XDA dev xperiaz2 aka Ash has ported Voice balloon photo app version 1.0.A.0.0 for android 4.1.2 running devices, confirmed working on Xperia M, L, E if Sony Smart Camera is ported on them.

Download VoiceBalloonPhoto.apk

How it works ?

Install Sony Voice balloon photo app.

Voice balloon photo app

Read the instructions  to use Voice balloon photo app.

Sony Voice balloon photo app

As soon as you see microphone on screen then start speaking some words.

How Sony Voice balloon app works

As you will speak, text words will appear on screen and keep on coming till you are speaking.

Sony Voice balloon apk

You can move, edit the text in different styles. Hold on balloon box and move it.

Download Sony Voice balloon apk

There are 3 themes available in Voice balloon photo app viz. Pop, Comic and Chalk.

Download Sony Voice balloon version 1.0.A.0.0

Xperia Z1 Voice balloon photo app

Do try this Voice balloon photo app on your KitKat running Xperia device and let us know you like it or not. Drop your comments below.

Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper 1.0.A.0.9 version for NON ROOTED devices

A few days back we shared Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper which was only installing on rooted Xperia smartphones but now Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper 1.0.A.0.9 version port has come up which can be installed on every Xperia device hopefully. We have tested Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper 1.0.A.0.9 version on our non rooted Xperia Z1 and SP, it works fine.

XDA dev ra3al has come up with this Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper 1.0.A.0.9 version mod for non rooted Xperia devices. It can be installed on both rooted as well as non rooted Xperia handset. Download the apk from below link and install it like a normal apk and set the wallpaper from Settings > personalisation > wallpaper > live wallpaper > Choose “Xperia” and set the wallpaper.

Download Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper 1.0.A.0.9 version 

Download Z2_Wallpaper.apk

Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper 1.0.A.0.9

How to make it work ? After installing the Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper 1.0.A.0.9 version, go to homescreen and start swiping across the screen; you will see it moving in wave and changing colors. You can also keep on tapping at one place to move and change the color.

Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper Pink

Download above Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper 1.0.A.0.9 version and let us know if it worked on your Xperia handset or not. Drop your comments below.

Download Xperia Z2 Album 5.4.A.0.22, Movies 6.1.A.0.16, Walkman 8.1.A.0.6, Video Unlimited 10.0.A.0.3 Apps from KitKat

Recently we shared Xperia Z2 official Lockscreen wallpapers which were according to 6 themes present in Xperia KitKat firmware and Xperia Z2 Live wallpaper which was meant only for rooted handsets and worked perfectly on many Xperia smartphones. Just now we have got our hands on new Xperia Z2 Media apps from Android 4.4.2 KitKat 17.1.A.0.289 and latest 17.1.A.1.XXX firmware.

We have included Xperia Z2 Album 5.4.A.0.22, Movies 6.1.A.0.16 / 6.1.A.0.4, Walkman 8.1.A.0.6 Apps, Video Unlimited 10.0.A.0.3 apps version from latest KitKat build and the one present on Xperia Z1 Android 4.3 are Album 5.4.A.0.20, Movies 5.3.A.0.20, Walkman 8.1.A.0.3, Video Unlimited 8.0.B.0.8 version which were updated a few days back.

[ UPDATE – 9 March ] Xperia Z2 Album 5.4.A.0.22, Movies 6.1.A.0.16, Walkman 8.1.A.0.6 App port from KitKat – WORKING

[ UPDATE – 9 March ] Xperia Z2 Ported app and features below.

Xperia Z2 Smart call handling feature port

Xperia Z2 Camera apps Addons port – Creative Effects, AR Effect 2.0.4 , Background Defocus 1.1.7, TimeShift Video port

Xperia Z2 KitKat Media apps viz. Movies 6.1.A.0.4 and Walkman 8.1.A.0.4 app port

Xperia Z2 Phone Answering Machine port

Xperia Z2 What’s New, Movie Creator, Sony Podcast, Simple Home apps port

Xperia Z2 Walkman Music Widget port

Xperia Z2 KitKat Notes 1.0.4.A.1 and Sketch 1.0.A.4.2 App port

Xperia Z2 Media Sounds and Camera Click Sounds from KitKat port

Xperia Z2 4K video cam app and TimeShift Video app port

Install Xperia Z2 KitKat themes and task killer app port

Xperia Z2 SystemUI Port – 2 tabs quick settings, notifications option enabled

Xperia Z2 black themed Calendar KitKat app port

Xperia Z2 Phone and Phonebook app KitKat port

Install Xperia Z2 Keyboard 6.3.A.0.18, Sony Select 3.0.24 app port

[ UPDATE – 28 FEB ]

Download Xperia Z2 System/Media/Apps Apks and Odex files – System Dump coming soon

Download Xperia Z2 Media apps from Android 4.4.2 KitKat

NOTE :- You may need to have ROOT on your device to install below mentioned system media apps. You can try either installing normally or pushing in system/media folder > set correct permissions > reboot. It may happen it don’t work after any of mentioned steps as for some users it worked and for some not. Backup first.!!!

UPDATE – 9 March ] Below mentioned apps will not work on regular devices, Kindly follow the new links from today.

Xperia Z2 Album 5.4.A.0.22

Download com.sonyericsson.album_5.4.A.0.22.apk

Xperia Z2 Movies 6.1.A.0.16 / 6.1.A.0.4

Download com.sonyericsson.video_6.1.A.0.16.apk

Download Xperia Z2 Movies 6.1.A.0.4.apk

Xperia Z2 Walkman 8.1.A.0.6 

Download com.sonyericsson.music_8.1.A.0.6.apk

Download Xperia Z2 Video Unlimited 10.0.A.0.3

Download SnpVUStore.apk

Xperia Z2 Walkman Album Movies app

Try the above mentioned Xperia Z2 media on all rooted Xperia handset featuring android jelly bean above.

Let us know in comments if above Xperia Z2 Album 5.4.A.0.22, Movies 6.1.A.0.16, Walkman 8.1.A.0.6, Video Unlimited 10.0.A.0.3 apps worked for you. Drop your comments below.

Download Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper Apk – Install on Rooted Devices

Yesterday we posted the official Xperia Z2 Lockscreen wallpapers extracted from the phone itself and now the Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper is available to install on all rooted handsets running android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean+.  Xperia KitKat firmware has themes viz. Earth, Air, Sunny, Silk, Heat and Vintage and each theme has an associated live wallpaper with it.

Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper included 6 color moving transition as you swipe across the home screen. Check below link to download the Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper apk, make sure you are rooted to install the apk and run it like any other app. Check in Settings > personalisation > wallpaper > live wallpaper > Choose “Xperia” and set the wallpaper.

Download Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper

Install as normal app on rooted handsets. Worked fine on Xperia Z1, Xperia SP.

Download Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper.apk

[ UPDATE – 11 MarchXperia Z2 Live Wallpaper 1.0.A.0.9 version for “non rooted” devices.

Check the screenshots of Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper new transition below.

Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper Green

Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper Pink

Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper Yellow

Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper Orange

Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper Blue

Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper Purple

As you can see Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper is simply beautiful, try it today on your Xperia Z, ZL, ZR, Z Ultra, Z1 Compact, Xperia S, SL, Acro S, Ion, C, L, M.

Do let us know if it worked on your rooted Xperia handsets. Drop your comments below.

Thanks Ben, Levered 🙂

Download Official Xperia Z2 Lockscreen Wallpapers from KitKat Android 4.4.2

Xperia Z2 is officially announced now and will be launched in market in April 2014, other Xperia phone users are now searching for various apps of Xperia Z2 KitKat like the new wallpapers, lockscreen, livewallpaper and other new featured apps. Well we previously posted some KitKat wallpapers from Sony D6503 Sirius which were leaked ( LockScreen wallpapers were missing earlier ) but now the official Xperia Z2 Lockscreen Wallpapers have been extracted from the original handset not from a prototype.

From below mentioned link you can download the latest Xperia Z2 Lockscreen Wallpapers which will come as stock wallpapers in Xperia KitKat UI. Xperia Z2 Lockscreen Wallpapers are of 1080×1920 resolution and homescreen wallpapers are of 2160×1920 resolution.

Xperia Z2 Lockscreen Wallpapers are concerned with the similar stock Xperia themes present on KitKat firmware viz. Earth, Air, Sunny, Silk, Heat and Vintage.

[ UPDATE – 28 FEB ]

Download Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper Apk – Install on Rooted Devices

Download Xperia Z2 Lockscreen Wallpapers

Download Xperia Z2 Lockscreen Wallpapers KitKat.rar

Below you can see the preview of Xperia Z2 Lockscreen Wallpapers.

Download Xperia Z2 Wallpapers

Above mentioned Xperia Z2 Lockscreen Wallpapers works perfectly on Xperia Z1 and should fit well in other Xperia smartphones also.

Soon we will post the Xperia Z2 LiveWallpaper apk and the official new themes apk, stay tuned to next post. Liked the new wallpapers, let us know. Drop your comments below.

Xperia Album App 5.4.A.0.20 update rolling – Android KitKat Support

Sony has just rolled Album App 5.4.A.0.20 update following the previous Album App 5.4.A.0.12 version rolled in early Feb. Album App 5.4.A.0.20 update spotted as OTA update on Xperia Z family members and Xperia L, Xperia SP also following the same changelog as like its previous version.

Album App 5.4.A.0.20 update says Android 4.4 KitKat support again in changelog, which may indicate that Sony is updating its media apps before they roll out the official android 4.4 KitKat firmware update on their handsets. If you look closely in the screenshots you will see white icons in the status bar which is a native KitKat feature.

[ UPDATE ] Album App 5.4.A.0.20 update also rolled on Xperia C, T, TX and V.

Xperia C Album App 5.4.A.0.20 update

Check in your update center app for Album App 5.4.A.0.20 update notification as shown below.

Album App 5.4.A.0.20 update

Download Album App 5.4.A.0.20 update

Below apk is taken from our Xperia Z1 C6902.

Download Album 5.4.A.0.20.apk

Install as normal apk on your android 4.3 and android 4.2.2 powered devices. It may or may not work on  Xperia S, SL, Acro S, etc let us know after trying.

Xperia Album App 5.4.A.0.20 update Changelog

Xperia Album App 5.4.A.0.20 update Changelog

  • Updates for Android 4.4/KitKat Support.
  • Various PlayMemories Online improvements.
  • Software performance improvements.

Fast loading of thumbnails and smooth scrolling across pics is noticed.

We hope Sony soon rolls out KitKat firmware for its mentioned devices, hopefully it will come only after Sony’s MWC event where it will unveil Sony D6503 and Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet with the new KitKat UI.

If you have got this Album App 5.4.A.0.20 update already, let us know if you are facing any bugs. Drop your comments below if it works on your device.

Download FlashTool Xperia Driver Pack v1.3 – Windows Drivers for all Xperia smartphones

A great work from XDA developer community has come in form of FlashTool Xperia Driver Pack, legendary XDA developer “DooMLoRD” has released FlashTool Xperia Driver Pack for windows based PC which are compatible with almost every Xperia smartphone present around ( from 2011-2012-2013 ). Users always had trouble in finding correct drivers for their devices but not now as you can get them all in one place.

As mentioned by “DooMLoRD” this FlashTool Xperia Driver Pack will be updated regularly as when new drivers are released for any Xperia smartphone from Sony and current latest build reads as v1.3, for the time being they are only compatible with windows PC now.

FlashTool Xperia Driver Pack

Below mentioned devices are now compatible with FlashTool Xperia Driver Pack v1.3, dated today.

Common Flash mode drivers (s1boot) for all Xperia devices
Common Fastboot mode drivers (s1download) for all Xperia devices
Common ADB drivers for Mogami and Zeus board devices based on MSM7x30/MSM8x55 chipset: Xperia ARC, ARC S, NEO, Acro, Mini, Mini Pro, PRO, Ray, Neo V, Active, Neo L
Common ADB drivers for Fuji board devices based on MSM8660 chipset: Xperia S, SL, ion, Acro HD, Acro S
Common ADB drivers for RioGrande board based on STE-NovaThor-U8500 chipset: Xperia Sola, P, U, GO
Common ADB drivers for Fuji board devices based on MSM8660 chipset: Xperia S, SL, ion, Acro HD, Acro S
Common ADB drivers for Blue1.0 board devices based on MSM8960 chipset: Xperia SX, TX, GX, T, TL
Common ADB drivers for Blue3.0 board devices based on MSM8960 chipset: Xperia SX, TX, GX, T, TL, V, AX, VL
Common ADB drivers for Lagan, Fusion3 board devices based on APQ8064 chipset: Xperia Z, ZL, ZR, ZQ, A, UL, Tablet Z
Common ADB drivers for JDM-Platform board devices based on MSM7225A/MSM7227A chipset: Xperia Tipo, Tipo Dual, Miro, J, E, E Dual
Common ADB drivers for Nicky board devices based on MSM8227 chipset: Xperia M, M Dual
Common ADB drivers for Viskan board devices based on MSM8960T chipset: Xperia SP
Common ADB drivers for Taoshan board devices based on MSM8230 chipset: Xperia L
Common ADB drivers for Rhine board devices based on MSM8974 chipset: Xperia Z Ultra, Z1, Z1 Compact, Z1s
Common ADB drivers for Tianchi board devices based on MSM8928 chipset: Xperia T2 Ultra, T2 Ultra Dual
Common ADB drivers for Shinano board devices based on MSM8974AB chipset: Xperia D65xx, other unannounced devices
Xperia X8, Xperia X10, Xperia X10 mini
Xperia Arc, Play, Neo, Acro (IS11S, SO-02C)
Xperia Pro, Ray, Ray (SO-03C)
Xperia P, U, Sola
Xperia S, SL, NX, Acro HD
Xperia Acro HD (IS12S, SO-03D), Xperia Acro S
Xperia GX (SO-04D), Xperia SX
Xperia TX, VL
Xperia Z (SO-02E), Xperia Tablet Z, Xperia Z Ultra, Xperia Z1, Xperia Z Ultra (SGP3xx) (including WiFi Only SGP412, SOL24), Sony Z Ultra Google Play Edition, Xperia Z1 f SO-02F
Xperia UL, Xperia A
Xperia Z1 Compact

From below you can download FlashTool Xperia Driver Pack

Download Flashtool-drivers-1.3-20140209.exe | 14 MB

FlashTool Xperia Driver Pack v1.3

Your device may not be listed above but drivers of another variant of same device will work.

Well keep on checking the drivers list whenever they are updated. We hope this FlashTool Xperia Driver Pack will settle the complaints of many Xperia smartphone users who were complaining that drivers of their phones were not available in FlashTool drivers list. Drop your comments below.

[ Source – XDA ]

Info Eye version 1.3.04 update rolling for Xperia Z1 Camera App

A moment ago Sony updated Album App to version 5.4.A.0.12 which showed in changelog that it supports Android 4.4 KitKat and just now many users in India on their Xperia Z1 are getting Info Eye version 1.3.04 update notification. Info Eye version 1.3.04 notification till now seen Xperia Z1 C6902 India, C6903 Poland also.

Hope it also comes to Sony Smart Camera app present in Xperia Z, ZL, ZR, and Z Ultra. Previous Info eye app version was 1.2.04. Info Eye version 1.3.04 is a 21.9 MB update in size.

Info Eye version 1.3.04 is rolling via OTA, check in your update center app for notification.

Info Eye version 1.3.04 update

Download Info Eye version 1.3.04

Download com.sonymobile.androidapp.cameraaddon.infoeye_version1.3.04.apk

App Details Info Eye version 1.3.04

No root needed, install as normal apk. Should work on Xperia Z, ZL, ZL, Z Ultra and any other handset which has Sony Smart Camera app ported on it. Xperia L users try it, it may work for you also.

Settings menu of Info Eye version 1.3.04

Save search photos and shared photos.

How to track info in Info Eye version 1.3.04

Do let us know if you have updated to Info Eye version 1.3.04 and found any major changes, drop your comments below. If anyone has got this update, do send us changelog.

Thanks Sahil Naik 🙂

Sony updates Album App to version 5.4.A.0.12 – Android KitKat Support

Sony Mobile has just updated one of their media app, Album app is updated to new version 5.4.A.0.12 from previous 5.3.A.0.24 version. This new update moves album app from version 5.3.A to 5.4.A which means considerable changes in the app. At present Album app version 5.4.A.0.12 is confirmed rolling on Xperia Z series and Xperia L across many nations.

Album app version 5.4.A.0.12 brings android 4.4 KitKat Support as mentioned in the changelog which is very amusing right now, why would Sony mention android 4.4 KitKat stuff in the changelog of media app update. Well if you see clearly in screenshots below in one the screenshot taken by Sony itself, all icons in status bar are white in color which is a standard KitKat feature of Android.

[ UPDATE – 5 Feb ]

Info Eye version 1.3.04 update rolling for Xperia Z1 Camera App

Album app version 5.4.A.0.12 is rolling as OTA update, check in your update center app.

Album app version 5.4.A.0.12

Download Album app version 5.4.A.0.12

Below file is taken from our Xperia Z1 C6902.

Download com.sonyericsson.album_version5.4.A.0.12.apk

No root needed, just install above as normal apk. Confirmed working on android 4.3 devices. Android 4.2.2 or android 4.1.2 users try it by installing on your Xperia S, SL, Acro S, SP, T, V,C etc and let us know.

Album app version 5.4.A.0.12 Changelog

5.4.A.0.12 Album App

  • Updates for Android 4.4/KitKat Support.
  • Various PlayMemories Online improvements.
  • Software performance improvements.

Smooth scrolling across pictures and fast loading of thumbnails is seen.

What do you think why would Sony mention KitKat support in Album app version 5.4.A.0.12  update, is its release near than we actually expected. Drop your comments below.

Thanks Camilo Uribe, David Emanuel 🙂

Download Xperia Z1 Compact User Manual Guide Pdf from Sony Support

A few days ago we posted that Sony has made live Xperia Z1 Compact Quick Reference Guide for download and now Xperia Z1 Compact User Manual Guide is available for download from Xperia Z1 Compact document support section. Xperia Z1 Compact user manual guide describes the full guide to use Xperia Z1 Compact with full tutorials available to use different features.

Xperia Z1 Compact User Manual Guide is available in more than 20 languages along with different other documents like white paper, warranty information, SAR information, environmental declaration. User manual describes full steps on how to use your Xperia Z1 Compact after you have got it in your hands, though the hard copy of very same manual is also provided inside the Xperia Z1 Compact retail box.

Download Xperia Z1 Compact User Manual Guide

Download userguide_D5503_English.pdf

Download in other languages, visit Official Sony Xperia Z1 Compact Support

If you want to read the Xperia Z1 Compact User Manual Guide online, read from below.

Click to access userguide_EN_D5503_1_Android4.3.pdf

After checking the document we found out Xperia Z1 Compact also have the physical hard reset button inside SIM card slot just like Xperia Z1 have. There is a tiny red button inside micro SIM card slot,pressing it forcefully shuts the phone down.

Sony has now officially started shipping Xperia Z1 Compact in Germany and UK, if you are planning to buy one or already have got it, do let us know you initial review of it.

Download Xperia Z1 Compact Quick Reference Guide Pdf from Sony

Xperia Z1 Compact, the global mini version of Xperia Z1 launched at CES 2014 event will be soon be out in the market as Feb is arriving. Sony has put up Xperia Z1 Compact for pre-order on its website and many web dealers have also put it online for sale. Sony has also added Xperia Z1 Compact on Sony Update Service software which indicates now it can be officially updated by PC Companion and SUS. Xperia Z1 Compact will come with android 4.3 out of box.

Sony has already uploaded the Xperia Z1 Compact white paper pdf a long ago but in case you missed it, check the below link to download Xperia Z1 Compact white paper manual in English language.

Download White Paper Pdf of Xperia Z1 Compact

Just now we spotted Sony has also put up Xperia Z1 Compact Quick Reference Guide Pdf online now which shows all the features of Xperia Z1 Compact in detail.

Download Xperia Z1 Compact Quick Reference Guide Pdf

Download Xperia-Z1-Compact-Quick-Reference-Guide.pdf

Check below to have a quick look at the Xperia Z1 Compact Quick Reference Guide.

Click to access Xperia-Z1-Compact-Quick-Reference-Guide-bc75a6c7e67f9cc5442600782c25b22a.pdf

You can find the detailed images describing various features of Xperia Z1 Compact in quick reference guide and some test results have also been included.

If you have already booked your Xperia Z1 Compact, do let us know are you excited about it. Drop your comments below.