Posted on Feb 21 2014 - 5:53pm by Anurag Kumar

Xperia M which at present features android 4.1.2 version and Xperia M Dual features android 4.2.2 version, just now for both phones a major firmware is certified on PTCRB which seems as an upgrade to android version. Xperia M 15.4.A.0.21 firmware and Xperia M Dual 15.5.A.0.16 firmware is spotted on PTCRB besides some other firmwares which were certified a day before.

15.4.A.0.21 firmware is certified for Xperia M C1904 and C1905 which also saw 15.1.C.2.9 firmware and 15.1.C.2.8 firmware getting certified for it a day earlier. 15.5.A.0.16 firmware is certified for Xperia M Dual C2004 and C2005 which also saw 15.2.A.2.14 firmware getting certified a day earlier.

At present Xperia M is on 15.1.C.2.8 firmware which means a jump from 15.1.C.x.x to 15.4.A.x.xx firmware is huge update. Check below the 15.4.A.0.21 firmware certification for Xperia M on PTCRB page.

Xperia M 15.4.A.0.21 firmwareXperia M Dual is on 15.2.A.2.5 firmware which means it will be moved from 15.2.A.x.x to 15.5.a.x.xx, which again indicates a major update. Check below the 15.5.A.0.16  firmware certification for Xperia M Dual on PTCRB page.

Xperia M Dual 15.5.A.0.16 firmware

Rumors which these firmware certifications for Xperia M and Xperia M Dual has started that they might bring Android 4.3 update for them, though Sony didn’t mention about them in their android 4.3 update plan but a few days back we saw Vodafone Australia confirming that android 4.3 for Xperia M is in testing and it may come if everything goes right.

We hope if it is android 4.3 update anyhow, Sony should also roll it for Xperia L and Xperia C. Excited Xperia M and Xperia M Dual users, let us know. Drop your comments below.

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9 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Akki February 21, 2014 at 6:48 pm - Reply

    If this is 4.3 so please release it for Xperia l & c also.

  2. charbel aoun February 21, 2014 at 7:59 pm - Reply

    Bad news for M users. You will not get kitkat or at longer time

  3. Will Col February 21, 2014 at 8:20 pm - Reply

    Let Xperia M and C have this. Xperia L will like the big prize-kitkat

  4. Akki February 22, 2014 at 10:55 pm - Reply

    Xperia c2305 will also get notification of kitkat. So I am happy thanks Sony.

  5. sheen razote March 9, 2014 at 5:03 pm - Reply

    Sony Xperia M C1905 users can taste some kitkats.

    • Anurag Kumar March 9, 2014 at 5:04 pm - Reply

      Already updated this post here – a long time back.

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